Success Stories
The real story of Sav-A-Life is best told through the lives and testimonies of the clients who we serve each day. These clients have made life-changing decisions as a result of their experience at Sav-A-Life. See and hear the true stories of the impact Sav-A-Life has on families!
40 Years of Miracles
We see every day how God brings our staff and volunteers together with clients to make miracles happen. Take an in-depth look at how our ministry works and how God is using the history and impact of Sav-a-Life over the years.
Then and Now: Sydney Reflects
Sydney’s story is very similar to many of the clients we have an opportunity to serve here. Often their circumstances completely overwhelm them and they are unable to see beyond their immediate challenges. Our desire is to provide hope and help by listening to their story and assist them in seeing beyond the darkness into light.
“On my first visit with the Pregnancy Test Center I cried and didn’t know what I would do next. I felt alone, depressed, and disappointed in myself. I talked to Laurel for quite a while that day. When I left she said, “Jesus loves you.” I didn’t feel that or understand at all. I’m a single mom already and I’m still working through college. This felt like the worst timing all over again. I came back for an ultrasound and visited the mommy store and we talked some more and Laurel said, “Jesus loves you.” I never understood until my daughter was born why she kept saying that. Visiting this center did more than save my baby’s life…it saved mine too. I was in a dark place. Laurel and the Pregnancy Test Center helped bring me back to the light. And that’s right where Jesus wants me…because He loves me. Thank you for helping keep this place open for women like me.” —Sydney
Maddie and Daniel Face A Decision
Madie took seven home pregnancy tests, hoping they were defective. She couldn’t eat or sleep for days. As a single mom with a four-year-old, she was pressured from every side to abort her baby. Her brand-new relationship might not survive the strain of an unplanned child. She made an appointment at Planned Parenthood. With two days to go, she came to sav·a·life for help. The staff showed her baby Eliana on ultrasound, advised her on talking with her partner, and prayed with her. That encouragement led Madie and her partner Daniel to embrace parenthood with joy! Sweet Eliana was born in January 2020.
Shanell’s Story: We’re Here for You
Shanell’s childhood started out like most kids, carefree and happy-go-lucky. But all of that changed when she began to have difficulty reading and writing. She was verbally abused, called stupid and generally made to feel worthless. Despite that, she was fortunate to be encouraged by a teacher who balanced the verbal assault and saw promise in her. However, when Shanell discovered she was pregnant her senior year in high school, those feelings of worthlessness returned. The father-of-her baby wasn’t ready to be a dad so he encouraged her to end her pregnancy. Fortunately, Shanell found the sav·a·life Fultondale campus where she was welcomed, encouraged, and ultimately empowered to become the best mom she could be to her baby.
Bryan Wintersteen: The Impact of One Decision
Jorge’s Story
When Tess and I found out we were having a baby, we really didn’t know how to react. Fear, anger, stress, and overwhelming emotions set in with our first thought being we’re not prepared to have this baby right now. We talked about what our next step would be. We picked abortion because we were both scared out of our minds. When Tess called the center to see what she needed to bring, a wonderful thing happened. Sarah with Sav·A·Life was on the other end of the line instead of an abortion clinic! Sarah prayed for us and provided Tess with other options. That same day, Tess called another place to make an appointment which we had to reschedule because I was called in to work. At this point, I said to Tess, “Maybe God is sending us a message.”
Nevertheless, we went forward with the appointment. On the way, I kept praying to God for everything to be alright and to look after Tess. When we arrived at the clinic, we saw several girls waiting for their turn. We took a seat and started to read magazines to take our minds off of what was going to happen next. Girl after girl, the room emptied, and I started to sweat and get nervous. I kept asking myself, “Are we doing the right thing? There’s no way I’m making Tess go through this.”
Finally, she was called. She looked at me and just stared. I couldn’t say anything. She walked up to the counter to pay for the procedure—WE were paying to have our baby killed. (I’m crying now thinking back to this moment and still trying to understand why we both made the decision.) At this point I broke down, I knew wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I wouldn’t allow my FIRST child to be born. As I was crying, I pulled Tess outside and said, “We are better than this, God only gives us the lives we can endure, so let’s stay strong and do this together, cause I’m not going anywhere.” She answered me saying, “I’m with you, if you’re with me.” We held hands and left the clinic.
Thankfully we received support from Sav·A·Life. It was comforting knowing we had the resources to get through this—without sav·a·life, the outcome would have been completely different. I’m grateful for everything they did and the time that was given to us. I attend the classes so I can share my story with other dads and give them the strength and support that I received.—Jorge
Richard and Jasmine Find Blessings and Fellowship

“Sav-A-Life is important to people like me. After becoming ill during my second pregnancy I wasn’t able to work but knew all the responsibilities that came with having children. So, the stressing out started. I was accustomed to working. With my first baby I left the classroom going to the hospital in labor. Now I was starting to get depressed until I went for that first ultrasound and saw my sweet baby. I knew it was God’s grace. I was offered the opportunity to attend the different classes Sav-A-Life has and one day I finally took advantage of them. It was a true blessing for me and my family. I did the weekly one on one classes with one of the volunteers and was able to earn Mommy Money that allowed me to pick things I need for my baby. This helped because I felt like I was helping my then boyfriend (now my husband) support our growing family. After falling in love with Sav-A-Life I invited my husband to join me at a Saturday class. He started coming with me and fell in love with the fellowship of the guys! Then we started attending Thursday night classes. Now we hate to miss a week. Everyone at Sav-A-Life is special. To give and serve the way they do is a true blessing. They impact so many families in ways they never imagined they would. My family and I are forever grateful.”—Jasmine
Shuntavia’s Rainbow

Shuntavia wasn’t sure she could go through with her pregnancy. The support she found at our Fultondale site helped her trust God’s provision. When Talia was born July 1, 2019, Shuntavia called her “my rainbow baby,” recalling the beauty of God’s promises when the world looks bleak. Shuntavia said, “Talia means the world to me. She’s isn’t just a sweet happy baby – she’s the love that keeps me going. When I’m feeling sad, I look to God and tell him, ‘Thank you so much for giving me this blessing.’ She’s my motivation, my rock and my heart, all in one. It’s a blessing to have her as a daughter.